Christmas With the Biker Read online
Page 7
Not so soon, my sweet Green. Not so soon.
I enclosed my hand around his dribbling shaft and with the other, I massaged his balls. Auden parted his lips, his hands clenching briefly, then releasing. He leaned forward and held the edge of the counter to support himself, and squeezed his eyes closed. Several groans and grunts echoed through the closed walls of the bathroom, and they were all coming from me. Me, who was enjoying giving him a handjob.
Whoever said handjobs are lame can go soak in the Antarctic circle, because it was sensational. My heart swelled when I felt his knees buckle.
“And the second reason is that green represents growth, freshness, and safety.” I kissed his temples and watched him in the mirror. “Open your eyes, Green.” His eyes snapped open and connected with mine. We watched each other for several moments. The mirror becoming window to our soul. “And you have grown so much since we first met. You’re more confident in yourself. More confident in us. You smile more. You are a breath of fresh air. Your spirit, your empathic nature is fresh. You are perfect and beautiful. And you are always protected, my sweet, sweet boy. Heart, body, and soul. You are cherished.”
Tears filled his eyes, and he sniffed, averting his gaze away from me. His body shook slightly like he was trying really hard to hold back a sob that was forcing to come out.
“Look at me, Green.” At my command, he met my gaze again. “It’s true, what I just said. You are mine and I’m yours. Nothing will and nothing can keep me away from you. No one will replace you. Not now, not ever. It’s a promise I can make and will keep till the day I take my last breath.”
“T-t-th-then I’m following you after you take your l-l-la-las-s-s-st breath.” He gave me a wobbly, watery smile. It was heartbreaking.
“Deal! I’ll wait for you when that happens and prepare our new abode there. Do you think satan will allow us and be okay if we debase his land with our wicked ways?” I resume playing with his dick.
“Satan will f-flush and drool seeing your god-like looks, and would want to suck that magic cock of yours, Daddy. But he can’t. Do you know why?”
“Why, my sweet Green?”
“Because it’s mine, Daddy. And Daddy promised me it belongs to me. Me and only me.”
“Damn right, it does, Green. This whole-body belongs to my Green, and only him. He owns this body.”
“Thank you, Daddy,” he gave me a shy smile, but hissed when I poked my nail into his slit. “Nuhng.” I squeezed his balls in my hand, twisted it just enough to send a jolt down to his ass and cock.
“I don’t want you to come like this, Green.”
“What do you have in mind, Daddy?” He breathed, sucking in a big breath.
“I have some thoughts. Do you trust me, Green.”
“Yes, daddy.” His answer was quick. No hesitation, no second thoughts. No guessing. Just a simple yes.
Warmth radiated throughout my body, sending my heart racing, drumming in my chest. I felt ultra-awake, rejuvenated by the adrenaline rushing through me. I was humbled by his trust in me.
“Come on.” I stepped back and waited for him to turn around. “Let’s take this to the guest bedroom.” I offered my hand and walked out of the bathroom when he took it.
He was in for a surprise.
Chapter 7
I shifted back and forth on my feet as soon as I got out of the SUV after Daddy parked it in the lot. To say I was uncomfortable with that… that… thing in my ass was an exaggeration. I’d used it multiple times before, but never for more than fifteen minutes. But it had been more than an hour now, and it kept vibrating in my ass after every five minutes.
So much for not saying no. What was I thinking when he’d asked me if I was okay with him shoving a silicon dick that was a lookalike of him. I’d immediately jumped and said yes, thinking he’ll play with my ass with it and then afterward we’ll head to the club. Boy, was I wrong?
I took a step or two to walk to the back of the SUV to help daddy carry all the gifts, but the lookalike balls that was attached to the dildo was rubbing against my nuts.
I stopped and took a deep breath, and adjusted myself. Thank fuck, I had the sense to wear snug jeans today.
“You comfy there?”
That smug smile on daddy’s face, I wanted to wipe it off with a snarky remark, but I knew I didn’t have it in me to say anything like that. So I kept quiet and just gave him a tight smile. “Mhmm.”
He smirked and opened the SUV’s back door and removed a collapsable mobile storage crate. He quickly worked and got it assembled. I handed him one by one all gifts and he arranged them neatly into the crate. After handing the last gift, I closed the door and waited for him to move.
The parking was full, and it was a bit chilly out that night. It looked like it would rain. I didn’t enjoy this winter monsoon. I meant, hello, rain in winter, is a no-no in my book. And just our luck, it had snowed in the bay area just before Thanksgiving this year.
Daddy took my hand and we walked silently toward the club entrance. In big bold letters, the name of the club was written just above the door. They looked embossed with neon colors. Abditory.
An apt name for the place. It was a place into which one could disappear, a hiding place—literally and figuratively—for people with certain needs. People could be themselves there.
As we got closer I saw an African-American man standing at the door. He was tall like daddy. He turned to us when we reached him and greeted us with a wolfish smile. The man was handsome, but it was his eyes that’d held my focus. They were palest green color and made him look like a greek god.
“Jordan, my man.” Daddy shook his hand. “How are you?”
“I’m good, Crane.” Then his eyes fell on me. “And who is this cutie?”
I flushed and looked down. Daddy wrapped his arm over my shoulder and smiled big. “This here is my boy, Auden Hennessy. Green, this is Daddy Jordan. He’s my partner.”
What kind of partner? Did they own some kind of business together?
My confusion must have shown on my face because it was Daddy Jordan who answered.
“I own a few businesses with Crane, including this club.”
“What?” Wide-eyed I looked to my daddy, then narrowed my gaze. “What would you like to say about this daddy? Why is it I didn’t know anything about you owning a kink club. Hmm?”
He cursed under his breath and shook his head. “I’m sorry, Green. It totally slipped out of my mind.”
“Like how it slipped from your mind to tell me about today’s party’s dress code, or where it was being held, and things like that.”
“Yes?” He made a face like he didn’t know what to say, how to correct the errors of his ways.
I sighed and rolled my eyes. “Its okay, Daddy. I forgive you. But, only this time. Next time though…”
“Next time what? What will you do?” He raised his brows. Even his friend, Daddy Jordan, seemed curious to know what I was going to say.
“Um, I don’t know, but I’m sure I’ll think of something when it happens.”
“When? You are that confident I’ll repeat the same mistake again?”
I snorted and shook my head. “You are not God, Daddy, but merely a mortal human who is bound to make mistakes. Plenty of mistakes.”
“He’s got you there, Crane,” daddy Jordan said with that wolfish smile of his.
“Someone is itching for some spankings.”
“Oh, who?”
“You, brat!”
“Moi?” I mock gasped and pointed to myself. When he nodded, I shook my head furiously. “Nuh-uh. I’m a good boy. So sweet and innocent.”
“That you are, my sweet Green, but you are also a cheeky brat.”
“Whatever,” I muttered under my breath and smiled softly. I was a totally different person. I had become more vocal and expressive with my thoughts and emotions. And I was loving this new person.
“Go on inside. It’s getting
colder by the minute tonight,” daddy Jordan said.
“It is. What about you?” Daddy asked him.
“I’ll join you guys in a few minutes.”
“Alright then.” Daddy thumped his back and waited for daddy Jordan to open the door. As soon as he opened the door, we were engulfed in warm air, loud chatter, joyful laughter, glittering lights, and music.
I saw many familiar faces, but I also came face to face with plenty of unfamiliar ones too.
Most were almost naked, that is, they wore at least jeans or shorts or pajama pants, but some wore only g-string. I was the only one who was fully clothed. Well, no, even Daddy was fully clothed, and few littles wore their onesies.
As we walked further inside the room, the big tree in the far corner of the room caught my breath. It was beautifully decorated with all the kinky items as ornaments: tiny sparkly handcuffs, bedazzled flogs, whips, and cat o nine tails, ropes, cock ring, chastity belt and things like that.
I had no idea you could get things like that. We walked toward it. I stood in front of the tree and admired it. The tree was not real.
“The tree is so beautiful, Daddy. I’ve never seen baubles like those before.”
“They are all handmade, and clay was used to prepare them—even the tree is made of clay and paper.”
That was so cool.
We deposited all our gifts and then wandered over in the room greeting and meeting various people.
Drinks and appetizers were being served by the waiters and waitress. They had dressed as Santa’s elf.
I looked at daddy when one of the waiters had approached us.
“You are allowed to have two drinks tonight, and no more. That’s your limit.”
I thank him and grabbed a champagne flute off the tray and took a small sip, enjoying the almond-like flavor, with subtle notes of orange-zest and white cherry. I marveled at the burning in my mouth and throat as I swallowed it. It was a fine champagne wine. However, a finer, passé champagne wine would have tasted more like a toast, or biscuit.
I stood quietly next to my daddy as he spoke to a few of the other daddies, doms, dommes, and mommies. Most of them were single or their partners were helping man the club bar. I looked over my shoulder toward my friends who were sitting at one of the tables and having fun.
I took a few more sips when my stomach grumbled, demanding I feed it. My throat and ears flushed up.
I was hungry, especially after the small workout we had had earlier. I looked to my daddy who smiled and raised his hand to a waiter’s attention.
Daddy spoke quietly in the waiter’s ear, who left immediately as soon as daddy was done talking to him.
“Go sit with Jules and Denny. I’m sure you are eager to be with them.”
I nodded emphatically and walked toward my friends who were busy playing with Marvel's superhero action figures. When they saw me approaching them, they immediately removed two more figures from somewhere and handed it to me.
I sat and played with them for some time, but the waiter with whom my Daddy had spoken earlier, stopped at our table and handed me my plate with all the appetizers I knew will taste delicious with my champagne. I looked into the plate and my mouth watered when I saw all the appetizing food in it. Pickled vegetables, crispy fried tilapia fish, chicken kabob, chicken 65, shellfish, crab claw, and deep-fried shrimp with various sauce and mayonnaise.
I offered some to my friends, who declined and said they already ate. I shrugged and ate quickly. I was too hungry to force them to have at least one bite.
I leaned back in my chair after chewing the last piece of deep-fried shrimp. An unexpected burp tumbled out of my mouth, making my friends laugh hard.
“That was funny and gross,” Jules said.
“Don’t you know, you should always cover your mouth when you burp?” Denny scolded, but continued to laugh.
Great! Chastised by a little.
I shrugged my shoulders and ignored their snickers. It was only three of us at the table. The littles daddies were talking to someone I’d never met before.
I looked around and found my daddy still standing in the same position as his club friends. His gaze connected with mine, and they darkened with desire. He placed his empty flute when a waiter walked passed him, without taking his eyes off me. He slowly smiled—wicked, and dangerous—then shoved his hand in his jacket pocket.
A beat later, I jolted in my seat, my heart in my throat, feeling an immense pressure against the sweet spot inside my ass.
I’d forgotten about the vibrator in my ass. Shit!
Fuckitty fuck!
The bastard hadn’t done anything since I had gotten out of the car, until now, with the vibrator.
God, the rocker in my ass was vibrating faster than before, the pressure had increased by ten folds.
I bit my lip from making any noise. I could feel my pulse thundering in my veins. My body tensed when the jiggling balls attached to the joy buzzer started to vibrate too. They were creating havoc down below inside my pants. Tremors after tremors were rushing down my body, wrecking my hold over myself. I was breathing harder and faster like I ran a marathon.
The basted smiled when my eyes landed on him again.
I could feel the juice oozing out of my cock.
I clenched my jaw tight and hard and begged him with my eyes to stop it. I was going to shoot in my pants.
He sighed and rolled his eyes, but switched it off.
I blinked several times and took a big gulp of breath to calm my racing heart. I ran my fingers through my hair and realized they were damp.
I looked around myself to see if anyone noticed my little show of losing control, but found everyone busy in their own little world.
Good for them.
Or maybe for me.
Da announced it was time to exchange gifts and sing and dance.
Several minutes later I was loaded with lots of art supplies—pen, drawing pencils, eco-friendly paints, brushes and things like that— but I also got an apron that said, ‘I’m a bottom boy’. I found that cute. I also got some outrageous things too, like bedazzled dildo, cock ring, chastity belt, and things like that. Those came from my friends. And I knew instantly who told them to give me those... things.
Da and Pop gave me a black leather jacket with Saints of Bay logo over it. I was overwhelmed was an understatement. I cried happy tears and hugged them both, thanked them for making me a part of their club, their family.
My daddy smiled when I showed him my new jacket! God, I loved that man. I knew it was fast but was so easy to fall in love with him. He was the best. Accepted me for who I was. Never questioned me, or stopped me from following my heart. Supported me. I hoped this relation of us, him in my life would last. I wanted forever with him. I prayed every night he’d fall in love with me just like I did.
I pointed my thumb toward the table I was sitting before to let my daddy know I was going back to my friends. He smiled and leaned his head to the side, giving me his permission.
I headed back to the table but found Jules and Denny sitting with their daddies. I hesitated for a moment, but moved forward when they called me to come.
I sat and colored with them when they gave me a page with a figure on it. It was a Santa on his sleigh. Cool. I got lost coloring, my mind focused on the task.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
My head snapped up and my eyes collided with the one I didn’t want to see ever again.
My heart stopped.
My stomach dropped.
It was the same person who’d been haunting me the past two years. The same person who’d turned my life into a hell hole two years back.
I felt cold. Numb.
Darkness clouded my vision, I felt hollow.
I was back in my store, on that unfortunate day. I could hear the snickers, the mocking waves of laughter of the people attending the show, felt the sting in my cheek of the slap, the burning in my throat.
nbsp; Panic had started to gnaw inside me when I realized he might do it again, create a scene and make a fool of me. I pushed my chair back and stood on weak trembling legs. My legs were shaking so badly I was surprised I could even stand. I was breathing hard. No amount of air I took in was enough.
I felt lightheaded, black spots appearing in my vision. I heard voices around me, but they couldn’t reach my brain, couldn’t make sense of them.
My legs finally gave out and I fell. Crashed hard and hit my head. My eyes rolled back and all I saw was black. Pitch black hole.
All I felt was the darkness in that hole protecting me from... from that man.
I won’t be mocked here by him anymore. I’m safe here from him.
Chapter 8
“Crane.” Someone shouted my name. It was the panic in their voice that had my body turning toward them. My whole being recoiled and I flinched when someone touched my hand.
Tension had built in the pit of my stomach, spreading all through me. My hands shook—I shook—when my eyes fell on Auden lying on the floor.
I rushed to him.
“What happened?”
“He was fine one moment and the next he was standing. Before I could interrupt and find out anything he collapsed,” Jules’ daddy, Miller, said.
I gently lifted his head and cradled it in my arms, and brushed his hair away from his eyes. “Auden, baby, wake up.” When he didn’t move, I panicked and checked his pulse, then his breathing.
He’s just unconscious I told myself and rubbed his arms.
“So he’s the new flavor of the month!”
My head snapped up so fast, it was a miracle it hadn’t come off. My eyes narrowed when I saw who it was. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
“I’m a member of this club, or did you forget it?” Sandar sneered.
How could I? The man was a thorn in my life. He’d latched on to me when he joined the club. I’d done a scene with him to demonstrate punishment to the new subs and boys. We had that in the club—training, educating new members who never had a Dom or a daddy before.